Green Schools

Welcome to our Green-Schools page! Here is where you will find updates on the work that is ongoing in Faughart CNS in order to achieve our first Green Schools Flag. The first flag is the Litter and Waste Flag.
Green Schools Committee 2020-2021
Litter & Waste –
Litter & Waste is the first theme of the Green-School Programme. The theme is a great starting point for encouraging a sense f personal pride and responsibility in tackling two visible issues in schools and communities. We took inspiration from the famous saying ‘Reduce, Reuse & Recycle’
Over the past two years in Faughart CNS we have been encouraging each other to be more mindful and resourceful with our waste.
The work that we have implemented in the school to help with Litter and Waste.
We completed the litter less campaign were over a number of weeks we monitored the amount of rubbish we were putting into our bins in school! We made sure that we asked ourselves the most important questions before disposing of the rubbish.
1. Can I use this item again?
2. Can I recycle this item?.
Luckily in our school we have three separate bins in the classroom to help sort out our compost, recycling, and waste.
Here is a picture of us sorting out our waster after lunch! It was a dirty job but it is very important for our environment!.

Reuse Recycled products to make Bridges
- Use lunch boxes instead of tinfoil or cling film for our lunches
- Re-use plastic drink bottles
- We reuse school books and workbooks where possible and we also operate a rental scheme in the school, to reduce the amount of books parents have to purchase.
- We use old jars and containers for storage and for use in art class.
During the first lockdown, some students created some musical instruments and houses using recyclable material!

Trip to the Recycling Centre
In March 2020, we were very fortunate to have the chance to visit the local recycling centre. It was a very inspiring and informative trip as our school gained valuable information! Thank you to V&W Recycling Centre for accommodating us.

Spring Clean during Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021
I rith Seachtain na Gaeilge,Rinneamar glantachán sa chlós. Phiocamar suas an bruascar agus bhí spórt againn ag am chéanna! D’oibirigh gach duine go maith chun an scoil a choimead glanadh agus sabháilte.

We also made up some slogans and a rap to help promote the local clean-up! Make sure to watch both videos! They’re great!