Collaboration and Sharing in Education CASE
Faughart CNS are delighted to be involved in a Shared Education project this school year.
Léargas and the Education Authority in Northern Ireland work in partnership to implement the Peace IV Collaboration through Sharing in Education (CASE) programme.
CASE is for primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties of Ireland. CASE aims to build a culture of good relations among school children and to equip them with the skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a society where the cycle of intolerance is broken and a culture of collaboration and cooperation is the norm. We want to instil in our children that it is our similarities that unite us rather than our differences that divide us. We hope that through the children working together on topics from our chosen curricular areas that they develop a rapport with children they may otherwise never have mixed with.
Our school, Faughart Community National School, Co. Louth has linked with Clea Primary School in Keady, Co. Armagh and and Foley Primary School in Ballymacnab, Co. Armagh.
We will all be working on “Share the Walk” and “My Healthy Year” projects together throughout the year and we look forward to keeping you updated with all that we do through our website and Twitter feed.

Easter trail 2022
As the rising sun tipped the peak of Slieve Gullion, some light feathered creatures were massaging their bunions! For deep in the forest, among bushes and shrubs sat carrots, chocolate eggs and some sparkly dust. Hidden just out of sight, yet much to the delight, of 200 primary school children.
On the final day of term 2 students and staff from Faughart CNS travelled to Slieve Gullion forest park to meet students, teachers and teaching assistants from their partnered schools.
Pupils and staff from all three schools enjoyed walking the forest trail and playing in the well equipped playground. Mixed groups engaged in a nature based orienteering activity and foraged for clues among the Giant’s furniture and the elvish huts.

Christmas card exchange 2021
Pupils in all classes were delighted to receive two Christmas cards during the last week of Term 2.
Every student had designed and decorated a card for an assigned pen pal in Foley Primary School and a second card for a pen pal in Clea Primary School. All students then received a Christmas card in return.
Have a look at some of our students reactions to the polar expressed post.
Road safety campaign 2022
As the evenings get darker in the Autumn and Winter months, it is so important that our pupils know how to ‘light up at night’ and cross the road safely.
Junior and Senior infants practised crossing the road by walking to the pelican crossing, pressing the button and waiting until the green man showed before proceeding.

1st, 2nd and 3rd class completed the RSA ‘Safe cross code’ programme where they learned the rules for crossing a busy road and about wearing high visibility clothing when out walking, running or cycling.

4th, 5th and 6th class created their own Stop motion videos to share advice to pedestrians young and old.

Anti bullying week 2021
Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation associated with the Covid 19 pandemic has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ was chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week that took place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.
Room 1 discussed the importance of using ‘Kind hands’ in school and at home. Our hands can be used to share, to help and to greet a new friend. ‘Find a friend Friday’ encouraged them to play with someone from a different table or group during yard.
Room 2 took part in the ‘Odd socks’ campaign by design wild and wonderful pairs of mismatched socks!
Room 3 developed positive slogans and phrases around the theme of ‘One kind word’ and adding these to colourful bunting which we hung in our school hallway.