12 Mar 2021 Rm 3

Today you have completed 8 full weeks of online learning! I am very proud of each of you for your huge engagement the Teams English, Irish and Maths lessons every day. I am really looking forward to seeing you all in class on Monday!


Fitness Friday

Ms Irwin’s PE Challenge

You will need:

  • A basket or box.
  • Toilet rolls (again!)
  • Some random objects to use as markers.


  • Place your box or basket on one side of the room.
  • Place one of your markers a few feet away from the box.
  • Place the next one further away, and so on, so that your last marker is far away from your basket.
  • Start at the first marker, throwing the toilet roll into the basket.
  • Continue to the next marker, throw the toilet roll onto the box, and keep going.
  • Try to throw the toilet roll into the basket from the furthest away marker.
  • Good luck!
  • Video of Challenge


Maths Activities

  • Work It Out Friday Assessment (Week 23) – Complete your test as normal in the copy ensuring to do all your working out. Then enter your answers into the quick quiz in your Teams Assignment.
  • Operation Maths Activities during Online Class


10:30 – 11:30

Gaeilge Léitheoireacht

Complete Quizlet Spell Assessment (ensure to login)

    • Complete English Spelling and Vocabulary Assessments logo vocabularya z 
    •  KhanAcaSpend 20 minutes doing your weekly Maths on Khan Academy.
    • Code Spend 20 minutes working on your coding projects.
    • ReadTheory Complete 2 reading assessments today on Read theory. Remember focus and read each point and question carefully.
    • KAHOOT Practice – Cén t-am é?
    • KAHOOT Practice – Cén t-áthar is fearr leat?
    • Finish your weekly Projects.
    • 1) Research Project – International Women’s Day 2021 8th March 2021

      Review the BBC 100 most Influencial Women in the world 2020 list. This list includes a Darts Champion from Jamaica, a rapper from Morocco, a footballer from Ethiopia, a nurse from the UK, a senator from Ireland, scientists, actresses and many more from all over the work.

      Once you have picked a woman from the list, read about her and create an information slide with some facts about her in your own words. Ensure to also include her picture and the reason why you think that she was selected as one of the most Influencial Women in the World.

      2) National Spring Clean in Faughart – Glantachán Earraigh i bhFochaird

      The Community Alert Group in Faughart have organised a clean up in Faughart on Saturday 13th March. The challenge for Room 3 is to write a slogan for the event to encourage as many locals as possible to help with the clean-up.

      Add your Slogan HERE. Add pictures, animations and transitions for effect!